Dilute the title a bit. Make it something like the “progressing North Korea and the envious West”. Even this will not satisfy you if you are a westerner clash royale hack (or a wannabe westerner) who thinks that west is the best in all respects and economic progress is the only sort of progress that is needed by societies and individuals.
You can never be satisfied with North Korea if you think that democracy is the best system in the world because it is “the government of people, for people, by people”. Actually democracy is a repeated, clichéd and meaningless “belief” held by those who claim 8 ball pool hack that they are rational beings. The “government of people” is a myth. In any system of governance there is a single ruler on the top of the hierarchy. He alone governs. So where is the “The government of people” in this scenario? The predictable answer is “people chose their ruler in democracy” or “people chose their representatives who chose the ruler”. But will the ruler ask permission of the people in every decision he makes? No, he will not. This is practically impossible. So it is an illusion. People do play some role in the selection of the ruler. But governance is not “by people”. The illusion of freedom and participation in state is maintained by all means in democracies. For people this boom beach hack illusion is very dear. The citizens think that the ruler is chosen by them. But what they do not understand is that they were presented with a choice of rulers, who all belonged to a certain class that is called the “elite”. And the motivation to choose a ruler is manipulated by the powerful i.e. elite. So whichever candidate may win in an election, elite always wins. There are huge lobbies and multimillionaires invest in the probable candidates, media is bribed and by all means of dishonest image building, speeches (written by professional writers), psychological tactics, one member of the elite is selected. And then he serves the purposes and designs of his financers. So if you look more deeply, it doesn’t matter if you live in North Korea or USA or South Korea, you are ruled by the elite. And yes, this is how human beings are, whatever you do, elite will emerge. If there is a revolution in a society then the revolutionaries become the elite. As George Orwell big fish casino cheats said in ‘Animal farm’; all animals are equal, but some are more equal. North Korea has a better ruler because there are no business lobbies or financers so he is, at least, free in his thoughts and follows his own will rather than that of someone else.
Do you hate the dynastic rule in North Korea? Yes. North Korea is a dynastically ruled country, call it a monarchy if you please, but does it matter? As I have mentioned earlier, in any type of government there will be a ruler. North Korea claims that it is a democracy, and similar is the claim of UK and USA. Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar are monarchies and they even don’t claim or plan to become a democracy in future but these countries are the best allies of the west. And nobody in the west dares to challenge these dynastic monarchies. Nobody makes documentaries on the famous Saudi family or Hashemite Kingdom and no director in the west plans to make some movie like “The Interview” about these monarchies. Shah of Iran, Reza Shah Pehlevi, was the best friend of USA. Were there any sanctions against him for the abuses of human rights he committed? Nobody dared ask his legitimacy in the west. Why? And why do you ask the legitimacy of Kim family to rule DPRK?
By the way, dynastic rule is nothing specific to kingdoms as there were many kingdoms that were not transmitted to sons/relatives or in the bloodline but the heir roblox robux tool to the throne were completely unrelated to the previous king like some Sultans of India. In many democracies people elect the family members of former prime ministers and politicians, like in Pakistan, shadow fight 2 hack India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh and even in many European countries. It means that being a blood relative of a former ruler does not disqualify anyone to become a ruler of a country. And if being elected from a ballot box is the criteria for a country to be called a democracy than North Korea also has a democratically elected government. If you wish to challenge the authenticity of the elections then the authenticity of the elections in your country is also very debatable. So leave this debate here.
Good governance has nothing to do with democracy either. Go and have a pleasure trip of Libya, Iraq, and Romania and ask the line rangers hack people would they not love to go back to the time of Saddam, Qaddafi and Ceaușescu? Do a survey. You will be surprised to see the results. I am aware that even Saddam, Qaddafi and Ceaușescu are not good examples. Yes their governance also had flaws but they were far better than the democracies that followed. Joseph Broz TITO, who was not a democratic leader, is still remembered in the Balkans. Saddam successfully ruled Iraq for so many years and he had a firm grip on the country. In South Asia all the roblox robux generator examples of good governance are from the era of monarchies.
Let’s get back to the topic of the article. The triumph of North Korea and the weeping western dogs. Since almost 70 years a dark image of North Korea is presented on media. People feed on the shit told by western media. Go and check Youtube and you will find only negative propaganda about North Korea. But what I feel is that North Korea is like Erik of The Phantom of The Opera. deer hunter 2014 hack The world might have rejected it and isolated it. But it has composed its “Don Juan Triumphant” and playing it in the cellar of the opera house. Isolation is not always bad, it makes you independent. The “Juche” ideal is of self-reliance. The young leader of DPRK, ‘Generalissimo’ Kim Jong Un deserves respect. He and his family knows the language the west understands, and that is the language of atomic and hydrogen bombs and transcontinental missiles.
Saddam, Qaddafi and Ceaușescu, who tried to flirt with the west were brutally butchered by the puppies of the west. The west has a procedure to change the unwanted regimes. First they put sanctions on those countries. Then they blame the poverty and the misery of the people on the rulers of the country. They use this as an argument against the political and economic madden mobile hack system of the country. After establishing it as a fact, West starts predicting the date of the demise of the system/regime. West tightens the rope of economic blockade and keeps isolating the country. After this comes the disarming part. This process is bartered with some lifting of sanctions (does anyone remember the 10 year ‘no fly zone’ , sanctions and the UN-led destruction of Al-Samud missiles in Iraq??) and at the end the west wages war and destroys. The White man enters with democracy and destruction – to take up the “white man’s burden”. There are only few figures in recent history who were able to resist and fight back. Ho Chi Manh and Kim’s of Korea are amongst them.
Freedom is so great and dear a thing that in xbox live code cheats case of its absence you still miss it even if you live in a luxurious place like Gangnam of Seoul. You feel humiliated by the mare presence of the oppressors, the invaders who roam on your land like masters. You start identifying with other oppressed nations. This is what happened with South Korean singer PSY. And he sung an anti-American song with following lyrics
“Kill those — Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives
Kill those — Yankees who ordered them to torture
Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law, and fathers
Kill them all slowly and painfully”
Ask an Iraqi what is freedom and you will know what North Koreans have and Iraq has lost. The triumph of North Korea is multifactorial, first it defeated USA and its puppies in the great Korean War. Secondly, it survived the challenges of 90s after the collapse subway surfers hack of Soviet Union. And 3rd it has weapons that can reach far, and a leader who does not need to do a referendum before pressing the red button that fires a missile with a hydrogen bomb aimed towards Washington. And this will and power is what is needed to secure self-determination in this era of neo-colonialism.